添加时间:2020-01-14 14:17:08
添加时间:2020-01-14 14:17:08
内圈沟比深沟球承略浅一些,无挡边侧的外圈内径从外圈的沟底呈圆柱面,外圈可以分离,便于轴承安装。通常,将2 个轴承对置使用。这种轴承是内径为4-20mm的小型轴承。主要用于小型发电机,回转仪,计量仪器等。一般采用铜合金冲压保持架。
Magneto Bearings
The inner groove of magneto bearings is a little shallower than that of deep groove bearings. Since the outer ring has a shoulder on only one side, the outer ring may be removed. This is often advantageous for mounting. In general, two such bearings are used in duplex pairs. Magneto bearings are small bearings with a bore diameter of 4 to 20 mm and are mainly used for small magnetos, gyroscopes, instruments, etc. Pressed brass cages are generally used.